Silver Garden Games: Projects
- 5E Compatible - where you larp playing D&D without words, submitted to Golden Cobra Challenge 2019 .
- Lost Colony - a technology and civilization game for the Jonathan Walton's Stage One design challenge
- First Impressions - part game, part ice-breaker, part trust building exercise, and part personality test.
- My Last Chance Game Chef Reviews (2012)
- Requiem for a GM - a game about a fantasy world whose GM has apparently died. For Jonathan Walton's Great White Whale Chef, based on We Regret to Inform You the GM is Dead from Jonathan Walton.
- Title Goes Here - a game about exploring a text and constructing a system of signs and meaning. For the 2006 Reverse Engineering Game Design Contest, based on Claire Bickell's character sheet.
- Inner Worlds - for Emily Care Boss' Solitaire Challenge, a world building game juxtaposing a mundane life with a fantastic inner world.
- A Full Course of Love and Death - a sequence of five RPGs designed for 2006 Game Chef.
- From Chaos - Game Chef Unbound (2014) game, A game where you build a wild magic table by absorbing names and quotes from books and not-books.
- Clandestine: Prologue - a game of conspiracies and occult layers of reality. For 200 Word RPG Challenge 2016.
- Thematic Procedural Tables - a toolkit for making thematically related procedural tables. For 200 Word RPG Challenge 2016.
- City Factions - a game played on a deck of playing cards, for making a resource for use in other games. For 200 Word RPG Challenge 2017.
- Yarntown Needs Heroes - a heroic board game (and maybe more) I designed with Aaland Perkins for Game Chef 2017